In early 2016, a detailed report on livestock marketing in Karamoja, Uganda was published by the USAID/East Africa Resilience Learning Project, and described a dynamic trade and supply of livestock to markets in Uganda, Kenya, and South Sudan. As a follow-up to the 2016 report, in 2017 USAID/Uganda commissioned a short assessment to update information on livestock market trends and issues in Karamoja.
The assessment analyses a set of market indicators including: food availability in markets, food prices, trader’s response capacity, market access, household dependence on markets, safety and security issues, infrastructural development (road connectivity; banking and other financial institutions; mobile money)
The following assessment was carried out in order to provide a contextual analysis of the livestock market systems in Turkana County. This analysis aims to contribute to an understanding of the wider context of pastoralist livestock systems that will fit into MAP͛'s existing livestock strategy.