A genuine localized approach to early warning should shift the approach to more of a partnership and coacceptance of the strengths and weaknesses of indigenous and conventional systems.
This Briefing Paper presents the main findings from the review report. The review considered the roles of the National Emergency Coordination Center (NECOC) and District Disaster Management Committees (DDMCs) in collecting and analyzing early warning information, and in timely response to drought.
The first comprehensive CoBRA assessment in Uganda was undertaken in the districts of Kotido and Kaabong, Karamoja sub-region on the 15th-26th July 2013. This assessment builds on the initial field trial of the draft CoBRA tool undertaken in Karamoja in late 2012. The multi-agency assessment was jointly led by the UNDP DDC and the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM). This report outlines findings of the Kotido/Kaabong CoBRA assessment. It also incorporates key feedback and consolidated inputs.