Adapting participatory epidemiology to estimate the incidence of human diseases in Moroto District, Karamoja, Uganda

KRSU Publication

Adapting participatory epidemiology to estimate the incidence of human diseases in Moroto District, Karamoja, Uganda

October 2024
By: Raphael Lotira Arasio, Judith Moru, Andy Catley

This study explored the use of participatory epidemiology (PE) to estimate the annual incidences of human diseases in Karamoja, Uganda, with emphasis on diseases associated with water. Adapted PE methods were used successfully to estimate disease incidences in young children and adults, and revealed a rich knowledge on the clinical signs and causes of diseases. The report concludes that PE could be useful for overcoming some of the spatial limitations of the health surveillance system in Karamoja, and the temporal limitations of bi-annual food security and nutrition assessments.

KRSU Publication

Privatization of Land and its Impacts on Agro-Pastoral Livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda: Case studies of Moroto and Nakapiripirit Districts

September 2024
By: Raphael Lotira Arasio, Michael Odhiambo

This report presents the findings of a review of land issues in Karamoja, with a particular focus on trends in privatization of communal lands and its impacts on agro-pastoral livelihoods.

KRSU Publication

Guidelines for Participatory Water Management and Development in Karamoja

August 2024
By: Raphael Lotira Arasio, Adrian Cullis

Water resources support key sectors of the economy namely: hydropower generation, agriculture, fisheries, domestic water supply, industry and navigation among others. However, the efficiency and sustainability of water utilization has recently been a concern in Uganda mainly due to inadequate sectoral collaboration in planning and implementation, increasing frequency of floods and droughts, environmental degradation and pollution of water resources.

KRSU Publication

The 2022 Humanitarian Crisis in Karamoja, Uganda: A real-time review

November 2022
By: Raphael Lotira Arasio, Adrian Cullis

This real-time review aims to document the events that led to Karamoja’s hunger crisis in 2022, the reporting of the worsening situation by early warning systems, and the responses of the Government of Uganda and the international aid community. The review took place from the September 27–October 21, 2022.