Impact Assessment Report for the Regional Initiative in Support of Pastoralists and Agro Pastoralists in the Horn of Africa (RISPA)

Impact Assessment Report for the Regional Initiative in Support of Pastoralists and Agro Pastoralists in the Horn of Africa (RISPA)

April 2014
By: Mike Wekesa, Omeno Suji

The report presents the relevance of the RISPA project to pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods in the HoA; its implementation performance; effectiveness in achieving expected results; efficiency; cross-cutting issues; impact; key issues/lessons learned from implementation and makes recommendations to be considered in future. The Project supported community action plans, government coordination structures and regional policies/ institutions in support of pastoral livelihoods in order to strengthen the resilience of agro-pastoral and pastoral communities and to diversify their livelihoods strategies and options.