
The Chief of Party KRSU, participated in a panel discussion organized by Food for the Hungry in Uganda. The COP talked about emerging risks and opportunities in Karamoja and particularly emphasized on conflict/insecurity, climate hazards, post covid -19 challenges and overall livelihoods challenges. He further added the continuous shock in the region calls for a...
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A team from the USAID/Uganda ICAN Activity visited us in July 2022 to discuss sustainability in project implementation and brainstorm about political economy analysis. We also briefed them about the KRSU model, how KRSU was initiated, how it coordinates and supports the Karamoja Development Partners Group and its sustainability approaches. The ICAN team outlined their...
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In August 2022 Mesfin Ayele from the KRSU was a panelist on an online event organized by the USAID IDEAL team, which shared experiences of ‘Backbone Mechanisms’ supported by USAID in Africa. The KRSU is a long-running backbone mechanism, providing coordination, knowledge management and technical support to the Government of Uganda, aid donors and implementing...
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Karamoja Resilience Support Unit organized a virtual meeting for September 2022 on behalf of the Karamoja Development Partners Group (KDPG). The KDPG is a platform of bilateral donors and multilateral agencies including UN agencies and serves as a learning, planning and coordination platform. The meeting was attended by USAID, the Embassy of Ireland, EU, KFW, GIZ, Italian Cooperation,...
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Having completed the study on the Barriers and opportunities to girls’ education in Karamoja, Elizabeth Stites from Tufts University made a presentation on the field results during the September 2022 Karamoja Development Partners Group meeting. The presentation featured findings from the fields including the value estimate of girl education both negative and positive given the...
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Represented by Dr. Raphael Arasio and Vincent Lomurai, the KRSU joined a meeting between the Office of the Prime Minister in Uganda and the Governor of Turkana District, Kenya, held in District in September 2022. The meeting attracted civil society organisations in Karamoja, saw the Prime Minister Hon. Robinah Nabanja and the Governor of Turkana...
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In July 2022 a National Peace Policy Review workshop was organized by Safer World and the Women’s International Peace Centre, with 60 participants from local government in Karamoja, NGOs and Civil Society Organisations. The workshop aimed to validate the draft National Peace Policy and KRSU supported the consultants who worked on the policy by providing...
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In July 2022 we welcomed Mr. Tonny Ameny, the newly appointed Assistant Commissioner at the Ministry of Karamoja Affairs to the KRSU office in Kampala. We briefed him on how we have worked with the Ministry since 2015, as well as the Karamoja Development Working Group. Mr. Ameny appreciated the KRSU support, especially with the...
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Working with the Nabuin Zonal Agricultural Research Institute and the Karamoja Development Forum, this review will examine agriculture development policies related to Karamoja, and identify good agricultural programming approaches that warrant further support.
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The consumption of “hard” alcohol is reported to be increasing in Karamoja, with impacts of people’s health, on families and on employment. At the same time, local brewing is an important source of income for women. This review aims to examine the trends in alcohol consumption in Karamoja, and the impacts.
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In July 2017 the KRSU organized a meeting in Kampala to discuss veterinary governance and coordination issues in Karamoja. Key topics included the challenges for effective coordination against the wider governance system of decentralization, and the need to provide legislative support to community-based animal health workers.
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