This study explored the use of participatory epidemiology (PE) to estimate the annual incidences of human diseases in Karamoja, Uganda, with emphasis on diseases associated with water. Adapted PE methods were used successfully to estimate disease incidences in young children and adults, and revealed a rich knowledge on the clinical signs and causes of diseases. The report concludes that PE could be useful for overcoming some of the spatial limitations of the health surveillance system in Karamoja, and the temporal limitations of bi-annual food security and nutrition assessments.
To gauge understanding of how KRSU’s work benefits and is utilized in Karamoja, a rapid review was conducted in November and December 2023. The review involved face-to-face interviews with a number of the organization’s partners – including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), universities, academics, and donors.
An effective early warning system (EWS) is a prerequisite for timely response to avert and mitigate the impacts of disasters that affect pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities. Whereas there exist various forms of EWS in Uganda, the main concerns have been whether the early warning information is timely, accurate, accessible, and elicits early action. These questions point at inefficiencies in the conventional EWS in the country and the importance of the indigenous early warning system (IEWS) used by rural communities. These indigenous systems are especially important where conventional early warning information is inaccessible or coarse and therefore not suitable for guiding location-specific decisions.
The review is an initial exploratory and rapid assessment of financial services in the region and was conducted over a short time frame. The aim to flag issues for more detailed analysis and follow up, rather than being a comprehensive study on financial services.
The objectives of this study are to i) map the current (parallel) supply chains for nutrition commodities; ii) provide recommendations for a more harmonized, effective and efficient supply chain of nutrition commodities in Karamoja specifically; and iii) develop a national strategy for phased effective integration of nutrition commodities that have been managed separately from the mainstream supply chain.
The KRSU has recently completed a comprehensive review of veterinary services in Karamoja. The review covers all aspects of public and private sector service delivery, and reports the persistent high impacts of livestock diseases on livelihoods. The review recommendations include the need for stronger coordination of veterinary projects and programs, better support to community-based systems, and improving linkages between private veterinary pharmacies and community-basd animal health workers.
The study aimed at exploring problems accelerating and limiting skills acquisition (BTVET Sector) for the youth in Karamoja region
The Strategic Resilience Assessment demonstrates how individual, household, communities, governments and non-governmental actors can build resilience to shocks and stresses that threaten progress towards development goals.
Overall food security classification shows that half of the population in Karamoja (50%) is food insecure, of which 12% were found to be severely food insecure.
In 2016, the World Food Programme (WFP) engaged ACF International to conduct an assessment of both supplementary feeding programme (SFP) for the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and the outpatient feeding programme (OTP) for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM).
This report presents an analysis of livestock marketing in the Karamoja region of north-east Uganda. This assesment reviews the current status of livestock marketing and trade in Karamoja, including cross-border trade with Kenya and South Sudan. The assessment explains the economic logic of herd growth in Karamoja as a means to build household financial capital, and questions the notion of Karamojong herders as unresponsive to price and opportunity. The assessment reports a practice of 'trading up' in which bulls are fattened and exchanged for heifers, as well as a dynamic livestock market activity in Karamoja. Key constraints to livestock production are highlighted - weak veterinary services and problems with livestock water supply.
Food security and nutrition assessment for Karamoja region, July-August 2015
Nearly half of households are currently food insecure with either borderline or poor Food Consumption Score, mainly due to the lean season that has seen a decline in food stocks at household level and contributed to food price rises (therefore reducing economic ability to purchase food). While food security status has marginally improved since June 2014, Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) levels have deteriorated and are at highest levels since 2010
The key objective of the assessment was a follow-up to the NUSAF2 assessment of 2013 in order to monitor outcomes on an annual basis
Assist the Veterinary Services of Uganda to assess FMD, and suggest enhancements to prevent further spread; examine and advise on strategic interventions to be implemented, and future coordination; develop a detailed short and medium term action plan for resource mobilization at national and regional levels.
Food security and nutrition assessment for the Karamoja region.
The report presents the relevance of the RISPA project to pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods in the HoA; its implementation performance; effectiveness in achieving expected results; efficiency; cross-cutting issues; impact; key issues/lessons learned from implementation and makes recommendations to be considered in future. The Project supported community action plans, government coordination structures and regional policies/ institutions in support of pastoral livelihoods in order to strengthen the resilience of agro-pastoral and pastoral communities and to diversify their livelihoods strategies and options.
February 2014 assessment of food security for the region. The main causes of current household food insecurity in Karamoja can be attributed to a combination of reduced access to food and insufficient food production (availability) across the region.
The Animal Health sector assessment was conducted by the team of 3 members; Gratian, Juliet and Regina in Abim, Kotido, Kaabong and outside Karamoja in Lira, Soroti and Mbale to understand the systemic functionality; major players, development actors, support functions, loopholes and challenges, actor/agency relations, drug supply chain as well as the formal and informal rules governing the sector.
The sixth round of nutrition surveillance in Karamoja region was conducted through August/September 2011 in collaboration with District Health Offices (DHOs). Data were collected from 15-19/08/2011 in south Karamoja (Nakapiripirit, Amudat and Moroto/Napak) and from 31/08/2011-5/09/2011 in North Karamoja (Abim, Kaabong and Abim).
The resulting review gives PCHI high marks for its work on both the animal health and conflict resolution fronts, and in developing synergies between them