Karamoja Food Security Assessment

Karamoja Region Market Assessment in Uganda

July 2017
By: World Food Programme

The assessment analyses a set of market indicators including: food availability in markets, food prices, trader’s response capacity, market access, household dependence on markets, safety and security issues, infrastructural development (road connectivity; banking and other financial institutions; mobile money)

Food Security and Nutrition Assessment

June 2016
By: World Food Programme

Overall food security classification shows that half of the population in Karamoja (50%) is food insecure, of which 12% were found to be severely food insecure.

Food Security and Nutrition Assessment in Karamoja Region

January 2016
By: World Food Programme

Food Security and Nutrition Assessment – Executive Summary

August 2015
By: World Food Programme

Food security and nutrition assessment for Karamoja region, July-August 2015

WFP and Unicef Karamoja Region Food Security and Nutrition Assessment – June 2015

June 2015
By: World Food Programme

Nearly half of households are currently food insecure with either borderline or poor Food Consumption Score, mainly due to the lean season that has seen a decline in food stocks at household level and contributed to food price rises (therefore reducing economic ability to purchase food). While food security status has marginally improved since June 2014, Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) levels have deteriorated and are at highest levels since 2010

A Comprehensive Assessment of WFP NUSAF2 Karamoja Region

November 2014
By: World Food Programme

The key objective of the assessment was a follow-up to the NUSAF2 assessment of 2013 in order to monitor outcomes on an annual basis

A Feasibility Study of Cash Transfer Programmes in Karamoja

November 2014
By: World Food Programme

The assessment reached over 1,100 households and primarily sought to assess the food security status of WFP beneficiaries and key aspects of market functionality with the view to inform potential cash/voucher programming in Karamoja.

WFP and Unicef Food Security and Nutrition Assessment – June 2014

June 2014
By: World Food Programme

Food security and nutrition assessment for the Karamoja region.

Karamoja Food Security Assessment

March 2014
By: World Food Programme, Government of Uganda, Food and Agriculture Organization

February 2014 assessment of food security for the region. The main causes of current household food insecurity in Karamoja can be attributed to a combination of reduced access to food and insufficient food production (availability) across the region.